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how to find your dream job | DLP India

Is it that you’re feeling lost in your career path and you feel that you are not happy with your job or a kind of work you are being made to do?

You get this thought multiple times a day about changing your career but feel it’s not that easy. It certainly ain’t that easy and it may even seem downright impossible to some.

What you must know is that there can never be any shortcuts when it comes to finding your dream job and planning a big career change. You’ll have to take those first steps towards a change which are indeed the most difficult ones, plan meticulously and work even harder to get closer to your dream job- something that you’re really passionate about and would love to do throughout your life.

The realization about your dream career never comes easy. It may easily take months or even years to find answers to your questions.

You may easily get confused about what it is that you’re truly meant to be doing and what occupation would best suit your interests and goals. But, it is only when you’re ready to find your answers, you’re in a position to explore all the choices that are available and are even ready to face any hostilities that come your way.

Given below are different ways you may try to start honing in on your specific goals with an objective of finding your dream job:

1. Focus on your priorities

It is only when you focus on a particular career path; it becomes possible for you to find a dream job out of it. And to be able to do so, you need self-awareness more than anything. You need to know what it is that drives you the most, what it is that you’re willing to do all the time and you never get bored of doing. The focus is important as it will help you- figure out your top priorities in terms of job position, salary and work culture; pursue your dream and find a job of your dreams.

2. Earn your dream job

If you think that a formal qualification in today’s time will qualify you to do things you’re most passionate about, you’re mistaken. In fact, you shouldn’t wait until you finish your degree or course to start doing what interests you the most. The same goes for people who are already into a job but are not happy with what they are doing. It is only when you start practicing a thing that interests you, you find yourself going deep into it. You feel aroused to gain even more knowledge and experience in the field of work which eventually makes you a pro in your domain. It is for the same reason that people are pushed to pursue a job of their dreams as it will make them most productive.

3. An internship is always a good idea

It is only by doing things practically and gaining experience in the field you find yourself interested, you get to know the truth and you gain realization if you would actually want to continue in the same field of work for the remaining part of your life. Gaining experience by pursuing internships will also help you to build your resume and it will be of great significance when you’ll be looking for a dream job later in life.

4. Be on your network’s radar

When you know the companies you would want to work for and the jobs you feel passionate about, you must immediately start leveraging the power of Social Media. You can start networking socially with companies that are on your list and start boasting your skills in a creative yet subtle manner. The idea is to let potential recruiters and hiring managers know about your presence. Because when they know you’re available and when they have been seeing your work through your posts, blogs and thoughts you share; they are most likely to approach you before looking elsewhere.

5. Shape your resume and cover letter

It’s quite a common thing to have your professional qualifications listed on your resume while you’re busy finding your dream job the requirements for which don’t align at all with your formal qualification. In a given scenario, it is crucial to customize both your cover letter and resume to speak to the requirements of a given job. It is an effective way to tailor your experience according to a specific role before sending out your application.

6. Shout out to your referral network

Whenever you’re looking for a job, it is always a good idea to start attending relevant industry events and conferences to build your network and let people know that you’re looking for a job. This is important given that a majority of jobs don’t get advertised and the vacancies for these job positions get filled through referrals only.

Finally, there is no magic formula when it comes to finding your dream job. You need to focus, work consistently and never give up on working your dreams.

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  1. Wow! Nice information you have shared. It will be helpful for job seeker. For the latest job visit here. It can help you how to find your dream jobs.


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